Monday, 15 October 2012


I realized the intensity of the concept of freedom while I was trying to quit a habit. I realized that freedom differs from one person to the next and from one situation to the next. I looked at it from these two ways, the freedom of being addicted and the freedom of living my life free from the habit. It is a very difficult call to make, but what is freedom if you are not free to live your life your own way? But at the same time what is living your life your own way if it becomes impossible to change it when you want to? Addiction is definitely not freedom.

I then turned to my dictionary, looked for the exact meaning of the word ‘freedom’ and this is what I found: Freedom is “the right to do what you want, make your own decisions, and express your own opinions”. (English Dictionary (for advanced learners) viewed on the 22/09/2012)

“Freedom” is a very important term to us (South Africans) because of our political history. We have fought for freedom for a very long time, but do we really have it? Or maybe the oppressor has changed? Maybe the oppressor is now the mindset that a black man can never take criticism from a white man, irrespective of its constructiveness, without thinking of racism. The white man (as well as everybody else) has to watch his mouth to not step on anybody’s toes, because we are all still living on the edge.

We look at freedom and oppression as external factors by external forces and we overlook that they may also come from within (they can only be granted by a different individual from the one experiencing it). If you can read very carefully from this point onwards you might be surprised to realize that you might be oppressing yourself and in dire need of freedom from yourself. For you to be free you need to know what it is that you are not free from, it is yourself.

To take pride in yourself because of what you have achieved is freedom, but being too proud to ask for help when you most need it is the opposite. It is important to be confident, it allows you to conduct yourself in an impressive way in the society, that does not only help you to belong but it also earns you some respect. You are free to be confident but do not oppress it with arrogance, because as much as you have freedom to think that you are important but do not think that you are more important than other people (because they also have freedom to celebrate their importance). You need to free yourself from your past, understand that it is a life you once lived and not a burden you need to carry with you for the rest of your life.

The most important thing to do with your life is to live it, and do not allow anything to take that away from you. If you would live your life freely, you’d also be free to die because you would have done all that you could do with your life. You need to try, but if you make succeeding a responsibility (than a luxury) you carry a burden of failure if you do not succeed. You are free to fail and try again. Give yourself freedom to be wrong, it is a right thing to do.

Life is a game that is played to win, but give yourself freedom to loose and attempt again because there is no rule that says you should get it right the first time.

I am free to be free or not be free, depending on how I see freedom.

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Sunday, 30 September 2012

I Am "Superman"

Every man has these two options, to be either a "real man" or a "superman". The permanence of both of these men is optional, one guy can choose to stick with one option for good whilst the other can choose to be a real man today and a superman tomorrow. He can be a real man when he's home with his wife and kids, and be a superman when he's out with his friends.

A real man chooses to make the right choices, makes sacrifices for his family and puts their interests before his own. On the other hand, in this intstance of course, superman is an imaginary character that every guy has in his head to make him feel extraordinarily competent and superior.

A real man does so many things that this superman character could never do, but he's not appreciated daily for the significant roles that he plays in the family, unless it is a holiday dedicated to men (which are very few) or his birthday. This is because everyone that this man serves sees his efforts as merely his responsibilities, so there is not a need to award a man for doing what he is supposed to do.

Superman is out for happiness and self-actualization. When ladies look at guys in their supermans' modes they just think that guys are complete idiots, but this idiotic behavior is because superman wants to live out of the ordinary, take on impossible challenges and achieve, be irresistible and turn everything that he touches into gold. This guy does not want to take on ordinary tasks like changing the light bulb, fixing the garden, painting the house or any other duty that any other ordinary guy can do. He wants to do the impossible, because as stupid as it may sound every guy thinks that he is the only superman in this world.

A real man does his best to make his woman happy, but subconsciously he believes that it takes a superman to make a woman happy. Every man is scared of losing his woman, and he believes the day he looses her it will be a superman. So now the funny thing is, without him even noticing, this fear of his contradicts that he believes he is the only superman in the world.

This whole superman fantasy is built upon an insecurity that he thinks he's not completely capable of taking care of his woman. It is every guy's dream to be their woman's first choice. If your partner had an option to choose from all the men in the world, do you honestly think that she would choose you? And another reason superman exists is because almost every guy replies with an negative answer to this question. Be realistic, she wouldn't have a reason to choose you over all of these admirable characters (that you probably admire too) in the world that have "supemans" bigger and stronger than yours.

It is then a woman's duty to make her man to feel secure with himself, to make feel like a superman.

Good girls bring out the best in real men, but bad girls usually bring out the superman in a real man, and that is why in most cases guys cheat with woman who are completely incompetent as compared to their wives.

To keep your man you need to be a good girl (that he fell for), but be able to play dirty so that moments of intimacy (amongst other thing) can feel like extraordinary challenges for him that he will have to use his extraordinary capabilities to overcome.

And as my words of closure, to all the ladies who are with humble and responsible men, do not be fooled into thinking that he does not have this superman delusion in his head. He might choose to ignore it but does not mean that every time when he is by himself there is no voice in his head saying: "I am Superman.

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Twitter page: @TeamUbuntu1

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Nobody Really Knows

If you can study and perfect the world as well as everything in it, discover what the gods have hidden and reach levels that no other human being has ever reached before, what would be your justification for your actions? What satisfaction would it bring you? And lastly, how would that make you different from the rest of us?

It is almost impossible to find every answer to every question that we might have about the world and everything in it. What is life? What is love? What are we living for? And where do we go when we die? You can travel the entire world trying to find answers to these questions and I can assure you that you would never find accurate answers but just countless theories made up by other curious creatures (as yourself) that couldn't deal with the reality that they couldn't find answers so they made them up.

Take a second and think about this: if you were to be provided with all of the answers, what would you do with them? How would they enreach your life? Why do you want to be different from the rest of us? Is there anything wrong if we are all just equal people?

Some people waste their entire lives trying to be better than other people. There are a very few people, if any, that live life at their own pace and enjoy their highs because they are highs, and not because they are higher than those of another person. Always bear this in mind: if your happiness is dependent on the sadness of another person, their happiness will also have a very huge impact on your sadness.

Do not make the mistake of studying the world for the purpose of being better than other people because you might neglect to live your life for the purpose of enjoying it, and that is the most important thing to do while we are still under the sky.

In all that you do you need to bear this in mind: nobody is really better than the other person because nobody really knows more than the rest of the world. Life in its nature is a journey of discovery. What really makes the expidition worth it is discovering things as we grow older, taking on challenges as they come and learning our lessons as life teaches.

Nobody really knows when is the world going to end (if it is going to end in the first place) or where we go when we die. We spend most of our time worrying about issues that are not in our present life and neglect those that should be our main concern: like falling in love, spendin our time with our loved ones and empowering those that really need us to.

There is nothing wrong with not knowing as long as we do know that we do not know. What should be important to us is to show appreciation for the lives we have been given by living them, and appreciating the love we recieve by giving it back.

Tomorrow always gives birth to another tommorrow, so let us live today since it is here and always remember that nobody really knows where tommorrow may lead us to, but we all know that yerstaday has led us to today. (only if you need to contact me directly)

Friday, 31 August 2012

Negative People, Positive Results

Yesterday I heard one of the funniest jokes ever, I could not hold it in but I just had to because I just had nobody to share it with. I then started to think about all of the things that we have and do not appreciate. Some of them are a need to us, but we will never know their true significance because they are always around.

They say ‘a friend is a nice thing to have, but being one is the best thing that you could ever be’. We all understand the importance of friends because we do not always have them. The very same applies for our intimate partners; we appreciate them because we remember all of the times that we have been looking or waiting for them. These people help to bring out the best in us, but we overlook that we also need those that bring out the worst in us, without the worst there is no best but we overlook that opposites give life to opposites.

There are priceless moments in life; like getting to put a smile on your face when you bump into your youth’s sporting coach that thought you would never make it. Partly he was right though because you did not make in sports, but you made in something else and this fool thought you were hopeless as an athlete, and then as an overall person. You get to remember certain pieces of your past, and then you realize that you have always been a winner even though you totally sucked in sports, and lastly you get to realize that it was not only because you did not like your coach but sports was never your passion in the first place.

Every once in a while you do need to bump into that guy/girl that you had a very strong crush on for all of your high school years, but it never worked out simply because she never said ‘yes’ when you asked her out or he never asked you. You need to remember these people because if they are now not doing that good in life they make you feel like you have made some progress, and if they are doing much better than you they remind you of your current position and help to inspire you to become a better person than you once was. Another thing is, the better they are as compared to your current partner the more effective they are.

Some people are just complete snakes (hypocrites). They listen to your life’s problems and pretend to be your true friends that sympathize, but as soon as they leave your sight they spread your business as much as they can with no slightest emotion called ‘sympathy’. You do need these snakes to betray you because that will teach you to keep your business to your self and find your own solutions to your own problems. But, never confuse liking to talk to other people about your business and reaching out to the right people that can help you when you are in times of need.

Some people just hate you completely and openly. They take pride in hating you. As strange as this may sound but these people make you stronger more than your friends ever could. If the world was just full of friends, you would know that when you fall down we would all be by your side to help you get back up, but since such people exist you do know that they would just be too happy and push you even more down if they could. It is because of them that you never fall even when you really have to, but instead you just take it and smile.

These are some of the people that we need but have never appreciated them for the roles that they play in our lives, but they still will always be around (whether appreciated or not). Negativity brings out the positivity in us. (but only if you need to hall at me directly)

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Listen To Your Own Voice

This world is very diverse; it is a network of much dynamic energy that conflict with itself. The motion of the world is driven by the love, hatred, peace and war of this world, so this means that the world is not moving at a constant pace or the same direction.
Most people believe that their instincts never let them down because they know exactly which direction to take in this diverse network built out of confusions. We all have an internal voice that only exist for us but unfortunately not all of us get to hear it. If you spend most of your time listening to the voices of other people you end up neglecting yours.
For some people it is almost impossible to differentiate between their own voices and those of others (even to them) because if you digest too many of other peoples’ opinions they end up feeling like they are of your own, and these are usually the voices that tell you that are not that important, nobody will love you, you need to quit before you make a fool out of yourself, etc. These voices are not of your own, if you can look deep into your heart and you will not tell me that you seriously believe that you were born to be a failure, maybe it is just that you have been hearing it for way too long.
In order to identify and develop a relationship with your own voice you need to undergo this 3-step process outlined below:

1. Develop an identity.
You have to answer this question: Who am I? From the very minute we are born we are ‘someones’ but the problem is discovering them. You need to know all of your characteristics, your strengths and weaknesses, and all of your qualities that make you worthy as a person. This step is a foundation of your confidence.

2. Believe.
Strong belief systems always empower your identity as a person, and your good qualities always make to believe in yourself. Believing in yourself take you to a whole new level for and improves you beyond imaginable limits. To get anything done in this world you need to have faith, not only in what you are doing but in yourself as well.

3. Appreciate.
When other people love, respect and believe in us we usually think that it is because they do not know the real us, because we do not believe that the ‘real us’ are worthy of love and respect. We develop this type of negative thinking because we lack appreciation for the good qualities we have. You need to accept yourself as who you are and respect it, and then see yourself and all that is around you with a positive eye of confidence.

These 3 steps will help you to know, believe in and appreciate yourself, and they will also make you to respect not only yourself but also everyone and everything that is around you, both living and non-living. They’ll also shut down all of the negative voices that lead to fears and insecurities because you’ll only hear positive voices that build you and empower you to reach your destination in life, and then you’ll clearly hear the most important one of them all, your own voice.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Family Shopping

Family is the best gift that you could ever have, it has to be appreciated for many reasons but it can also be seen as the worst thing to ever have, it is a gift and a curse. Unlike friends, lovers, and even neighbors family is the thing with many mistakes that you still have to smile with only because they are family. They can wrong you in such a way that if it was just a person you would even kill them, but since it is family you have to forgive even if you are not given a detailed apology but as long as the word family is included in it you have to forgive.

Family has grandparents that you see occasionally, they smile everytime when they see you and if you are not their favourite grandchild they will not smile that much at you, but you still have smile that much at them because 'they are your grand parents'. Family also has all of these aunts that will tell you how much you have grown when you meet on family gatherings, but as soon as you guys spend more than just a weekend together they change their story to how disrespectful you are. These aunts always talk about how they used to respect their elders back in their days and also touch on how proud they are of their chidren, which according to you are spoilt brat that you could never be even in your wildest dreams. Should i talk about all of the uncles that pretend to be your father even though they have never provided you with a plate of food even if it was for a single night? Let us not even get to the part of all the cousins that you have to try to get along with and you do not even know how you are related to them. As soon as you make an effort of a conversation with them if they do not tell how perfect their lives are, they tell you how well they get along with other cousins that you have never heard of and and you do not know how you are related to them either.

The best family that you have is your immediate one, although it also has its flaws but it is much better than the extended one. In this family you have a big brother/sister that is in tertiary or in the early stages of their career and you are always reminded of how proud your parents are of them. You also have a kid brother/sister who is this spoilt brat who gets his/her way with everything and you guys do not get along that well, but you still love them more than they could ever love you. Most of the time when you look at your family you doubt that they love you as much as you love them, but you still do not mind.

Your mother is the best mom that you could ever have, and you are forever grateful to God that he made this amazing woman to be your mother. You love her unconditionally.

Should i talk about fathers? Fathers are not that important regardless of how good or bad they are. As a matter of fact the more useless a fathers gets the more important he becomes, because children who were abondened by their fathers appreciate the idea of "fathers" far more than those whose fathers are around. If your father works hard to provide for his family he is not around for most of the time, but you do appreciate that he is doing all that he does because of you. If he works for his family and also has enough time to himself, he is still not that much around because he uses his free time to watch soccer matches and hang around with his friends, or even worse picking up women might be in his to-do list. this is the most thought-about father of them all, because such fathers are usually stressful.

When I said Family Shopping   I did not mean shopping with your family, but I meant shopping for a new family. Most people would change their famalies if they could, or at least make a few adjustments. If God would give you an opportunity to get inside a family retail store, how would you shop for your family? I have went family shopping countless times in my head and it has always went like this:

I would shop for my grandparents like a skincare product because if it favours your skin it brings out the best in it, and when I have found "The grandparents glowing skins skincare" that favours my skin i would take about 200ml because as much as i need it but it is only for special occasions. When shopping for aunts i would take about 2kg of "Auntie aunts powder" because having too much of it would end up getting on my nerves but i still need it. Honesly I would not shop for uncles, but if the cashier keeps them by the cash till only then would i consider taking "Uncle bar-one" if there is some change left in my pocket. I would shop for my cousins as refuse bags. The need for "Couzzie's disposal bags" will only rise if there is an interest I am trying to fulfil, if not, we would not even cross paths. I would shop for my siblings as soft drinks because "Sista-brother Cola" would come in handy when I'm trying to relax. Mother is the most essential product of them all, I would purchase as much as 80kg of "Big mama's maize meal" because this is where I get my stability from. I would purchase my father as an instant porriedge so that he would come instantly when I need him. I would only have 5kg of "Big daddy's instant porriedges" because as much as i need him but too much of him would end up getting on my nerves.

I now walk out of the retail store with my head held high as i read the slogan that says "if you don't like them you can always return them".

This whole article was just a very childish and impossible thought because we all know that you can choose your friends but not your family. If you really want to have control of the people that you have around you, you can always shop for your friends.


Wednesday, 25 January 2012

I am Prosper "the theorist", and i will be presenting everyone with the theories of life as i develop them, they may not be neccesiraly right but if i believe them, they are then very true to me.

With that said, every feeling is therefore like "love": I need to say it for you to hear it, but since it is much deeper than words, i then need to feel it for you to believe it.

Ladies and gentlemen, please brace yourself because from my next post we will be taking a trip into my mind, and i will define life as i think it is.

This is "Ubuntu"